Unsere Erklärung

Wir sind die Letzte Generation der alten Welt. Wir sind heute hier, um zu sagen, dass wir eine neue Welt schaffen werden – in der die Menschheit sich selbst akzeptiert, sich vergibt, sich liebt und sich verpflichtet, unser großes Abenteuer fortzusetzen.

Als Letzte Generation werden wir alles tun, was nötig ist, um unsere Generation und alle kommenden Generationen zu schützen. Das ist unser unveräußerliches Recht.

Die alte Welt liegt im Sterben. Wir befinden uns in der letzten Stunde, in der dunkelsten Stunde. Diese Welt wird vor unseren Augen vernichtet. Wir befinden uns in einem Zwischenstadium. Was wir jetzt tun, entscheidet über das Schicksal dieser und der nächsten Welt.

Also entscheiden wir uns. Wenn wir uns entscheiden, geben wir uns nicht länger unseren Ängsten, unserer Verzweiflung und unserem Ärger hin. Wir stellen uns selbst zurück.

Gemeinsam, in Gemeinschaft, ergreifen wir ein höheres Ziel. Die Quelle dessen, was es bedeutet, wirklich menschlich zu sein. Sie ruft uns über die Zeitalter hinweg. Mit ihrer Kraft werden wir diejenigen zu Fall bringen, die töten, um ihr Regime der Ausbeutung zu erhalten. Dies ist die alte Welt. So kann es nicht weitergehen. 

Wir sind hier, um deutlich zu machen: Die Menschheit ist besser, als sich dem Aussterben zu ergeben. Wir sind hier, um zu sagen, dass die Gesellschaft sich nicht von der Liebe und der Wahrheit abgewandt hat; sie hat sich nicht dem Bösen und dem Tod verschrieben. Die Welt, die wir uns wünschen, die Welt, die wir haben können, ist bereits in Reichweite. Doch wir müssen nach ihr greifen.

Wir sind nicht hier, um ein Zeichen zu setzen, um etwas zu bitten oder zu unterhalten.

Wir sind hier, um den Wandel herbeizuführen, der notwendig ist. Wir sind hier, um die Regierungen dazu zu zwingen, die Treibhausgas-Emissionen drastisch zu senken, nichts weniger. Wir sind hier, um zu handeln, nicht um zu reden. Wir haben einen Plan.

Wir mobilisieren Menschen in unseren jeweiligen Ländern. Teams führen Kampagnen durch. Die Kampagnen stellen Forderungen an die Regierungen. Wir wenden uns an alle, die uns die Hand reichen, um diese neue Welt zu schaffen. Wenn wir abgewiesen werden, gehen wir Woche für Woche auf die Straße, so wie diejenigen, die vor uns im Kampf für die Menschenrechte viele Male auf die Straße gegangen sind.

Wir wenden uns direkt an die Öffentlichkeit und werben in hunderten von öffentlichen Treffen dafür mitzumachen.

Wir verpflichten uns zu massenhaftem zivilen Widerstand.

Das ist unsere Verantwortung. Demokratische Rechte erfordern demokratische Pflichten – die Pflicht, sie zu verteidigen. Und solange nicht jeder Mensch frei ist, ist kein Mensch von uns frei. Nur in Freiheit wird der Gerechtigkeit Genüge getan werden. Wir werden nicht in die Falle tappen, die anderen zu hassen – die anderen sind Teil von uns allen. Unsere Hände werden keine Waffen halten, unsere Herzen werden offen sein.

Wir sind die Menschheit, die an die Menschheit glaubt. Wir sind Demokratie.

Wir sind offen und gewaltfrei. Wir sind Fürsorge und wir sind Freiheit. Wir werden die Konsequenzen unseres Handelns tragen und unserem Schicksal direkt in die Augen sehen.

Los geht’s. Solange noch Atem in unseren Körpern ist, werden wir nicht aufgeben. Das hier ist jetzt unser Leben.

Wir sind die Letzte Generation. Doch wir sind auch die erste. Wir sind überall. Wir machen uns auf.

Alles wird sich ändern. Das Alte wird neu. Und alle können sich verändern.


Melden Sie sich an, um auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben, was wir weltweit erreichen


Hier eine kurze Einführung in jedes der Projekte

Just Stop Oil, UK

Just Stop Oil, UK

Just Stop Oil is a nonviolent civil resistance group demanding the UK Government stop licensing all new oil, gas and coal projects.

Allowing the extraction of new oil and gas resources in the UK is an obscene and genocidal policy that will kill our children and condemn humanity to oblivion. It just has to stop.

Hundreds of independent scientists, MPs, NGOs and even the government’s own climate advisors agree — it’s time to take the basic first step and end the licensing of new dirty fossil fuels. Our job now? To make sure the corrupt politicans in power have no option but to do the right thing.

Climate Liberation Aotearoa, New Zealand

Climate Liberation Aotearoa, New Zealand

The climate crisis is here and now, and it’s shaping the rest of our lives. Our political and economic systems have failed us and now we face the collapse of our economy, ecology, and society, but together we can find ways to look after each other and the natural world on which we depend. 

Our plan is to transform society by building people power. To do this, we demonstrate the effectiveness of working alongside each other in a systematic, well organised way that achieves results. It’s up to every one of us to decide. We can liberate ourselves and each other. Or we can live in distraction and powerlessness. 

Our opponents have big money, sophisticated marketing, and technology which they are unleashing relentlessly to pursue their goals. In response, Climate Liberation Aotearoa is here to organise resistance to the destruction of our home, and to take back our power. 

This year we are focusing on transport emissions and pollution. This means 1. Travel Less, 2. Travel Active, 3. Travel Public, 4. Travel Electric. Our first win will be to move the dial on cruise ships – a type of luxury emission worse than flying which we can all do without. Join us to find out more about how we plan to win. In action there is friendship, hope, and love. The first step is to show up.

Our Demands

  1. Count international shipping and aviation emissions in our climate targets and emissions reduction plans. We need to include cruise ship emissions at a local level and in our national emissions reduction strategy. 
  2. No subsidies for the cruise ship industry. Ratepayers contribute to the profit of cruise ship corporations through subsidised on-shore transport including buses and rail, as well as sponsoring NZ Cruise Assn conference, promotion, and training and admin costs for cruise ship volunteers. 
  3. No cruise ships in ecologically sensitive areas such as Milford Sounds, Marlborough Sounds and Hauraki Gulf Islands. Cruise ships run on heavy fuel oil which produces both greenhouse gases and high amounts of very small air pollution which contributes to smog, acid rain and health impacts of cancer, asthma/lung damage.

Last Generation, Canada

Last Generation, Canada

Last Generation Canada is demanding through civil resistance that the Canadian government implement a National Firefighting Agency that trains and employs 50,000 professional full-time wildland firefighters by summer 2024. 

Canada made international headlines last summer when wildfires across the country engulfed an area larger than the size of Greece, forcing more than 200,000 people to flee their homes, releasing 2 billion tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere, and causing millions of dollars’ worth in damage. What was once unprecedented is becoming more common as climate change causes summers to become hotter, drier, and last for longer which, when combined with irresponsible forestry practices, results in longer and more severe wildfire seasons. Fire chiefs and federal party leaders agree that firefighters need more resources to face the front lines of the climate crisis.

Our second action phase starts Feb 6 in Ottawa. Join us.

Liberate Switzerland

Liberate Switzerland

We are Switzerland's civil resistance for a nonviolent revolution to preserve life on Earth in the face of the climate emergency.

Liberate Switzerland is the second campaign of act now!, a Swiss civil resistance movement created in early 2023 in response to the success of its first campaign, Renovate Switzerland.

Liberate Switzerland is a campaign to free Switzerland from cars. To protect the climate and the living world, we demand that the Swiss Confederation ban the sale of new cars powered by fossil fuels from 2025 and invest massively in soft mobility and public transport.

We appear in the public sphere through non-violent actions, discussions, debates, training and other awareness-raising events. We create spaces in which we encourage cooperation between accountable and responsible people. We want to create a multi-faceted movement in which everyone can find their place, whatever their age or social background. Transparency and participation are at the heart of our concerns.

Folk Mot Fossilmakta, Norway

Folk Mot Fossilmakta, Norway

Folk Mot Fossilmakta was started in the summer of 2024 and came out of the previous A22 project in Norway: Stopp oljeletinga. We use non-violent civil disobedience to expose the entrenched power of the oil industry in Norway. We have 3 concrete demands to the government;

  1. Divest the Government Pension Fund Global out of fossil fuels
  2. Ban fossil fuel advertising
  3. Regulate the oil industry by working with other countries to develop a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty.

We work to wake the Norwegian public up to the realities of climate collapse and to expose Norway's role as a major oil producing nation. Entrenched power like the oil industry does not listen to petitions and letters - it listens when people are prepared to put themselves in the way of it. Norway likes to present itself as a climate leader while it is not even doing the most basic things when faced with climate collapse. The Government Pension Fund Global is still the biggest investor in fossil fuels in Europe, even though the government has claimed they want to make it the leading fund in the world in terms of responsible investment and climate risk. At home, Equinor (our state owned oil company) advertises at many of the major sporting and cultural events as well as in all of Norway's biggest newspapers. We believe this is a threat to democracy because it means that they have free reign to own the narrative amongst the public and to shape policy around further development of Norway's oil reserves.

We aim to mobilise many ordinary people to engage in peaceful civil resistance against the entrenched power that is making Norway complicit in climate collapse.

Ostatnie Pokolenie, Poland

Ostatnie Pokolenie, Poland

Ostatnie Pokolenie (Last Generation) was founded in January 2024 and started a campaign of civil disobedience in March 2024. The demands are to shift all the money planned for expansion of new highways and expressways (68 bln EUR up to 2033) to regional public transport to fight transport exclusion and to introduce a monthly ticket for all public transport for 50 zł (12 EUR).

In March, Ostatnie Pokolenie made headlines by disrupting a concert and throwing paint on the statue of Warsaw Mermaid. During that time a letter with the demands was given to the Prime Minister Donald Tusk with a 5 weeks deadline to accept it. After lack of response from the government, people began to block bridges in the capital for 2 weeks.

The transportation sector in Poland is one of the very few sectors in the economy where emissions keep rising (from 2005 to 2017 up by 77%). At the same time, there is a very substantial social problem with the lack, or very poor access, to public transport services in Poland. Over 10 million Poles (out of 38 mln) are affected. The current government is withdrawing from climate policies promised during the election’s campaign.

Ostatnie Pokolenie is there to make them stop. Until a livable future is in reach.

Nødbremsen, Denmark

Nødbremsen, Denmark

Nødbremsen ("The Emergency Break") is a Denmark-based climate campaign, launched in September 2023, using civil resistance against the government's active and deliberate escalation of the ongoing climate collapse.

The Danish Government pretends to be spearheading climate action but is doing the opposite. One of the many examples of this is the decision to spend DKK 26 billion (3.5 billion Euros) on building 15 new highways before 2035. Denmark - a relatively small country - already ranks #7 in the EU when it comes to km highway per capita. Meanwhile, the prices for public transport are increasing and bus routes are closed down - especially in areas where people already are quite dependent on having a car. The 3.5 billion Euros that will be spent on building new highways could be spent on expanding public transport - and for the green transition in general.

The 15 new highways will not only emit more than 1.3 million tonnes of CO2 in their construction phase, but they will also create a lock-in effect for decades where the number of cars will increase. In addition to the climate effects of the highways, they are causing irreparable destruction of the sparse and vulnerable nature and biodiversity across the country.

The local campaigns against the highways and the NGOs are systematically ignored by the government - and the government has publicly said that they "have listened to the interest of private companies" when deciding on building the new highways.

In Nødbremsen, we are peacefully blocking roads & highway exits and disturbing cultural events with the simple demand to the government that they cancel the 15 new highways.

Återställ Våtmarker, Sweden

Återställ Våtmarker, Sweden

Återställ Våtmarker (Restore Wetlands) started with highway blocks on March 28, 2022. Since then we have managed to vastly raise public awareness on the urgency of restoring wetlands. From being a question discussed in niche contexts, and a marginalised and underfunded point on the political agenda, our peaceful protests have brought restoration of wetlands to the fore.

Besides it now being part of the national climate tactic debate, and a question constantly featured in the media, Swedish politicians have been forced to respond. Although their responses so far have been nothing more than greenwashing budget proposals, and calls for more repression, their need to respond shows the efficacy of disruptive peaceful protests. Their failure to act shows the inadequacy of our current political system. And that’s why repression, ridicule and raging politicians can’t make us back down. The people want to live!

Letzte Generation, Germany

Letzte Generation, Germany

The movement Letzte Generation was initiated in 2021 by a small group of activists who organized a hunger strike in front of the Reichstag building in Berlin. They made Olaf Scholz, then chancellor candidate, to meet up with them for a public discussion about the climate catastrophe and the political failure of an adequate response.

Now the movement is organized by several hundred  people of all ages who stand up for their rights following the guide-lines of nonviolent civil disobedience. 

They emphasize the necessity of an economy without fossil fuels, that should be accomplished by 2030 at the latest and demand honesty about the current dramatic situation and the necessary steps to avoid the total collapse of the biosphere and civilization as we know it. 

They have been blocking city streets, highways and airports all across Germany, regularly backed by scientists, artists, legal practitioners and other groups. In summer 2023 they started spraying orange paint on symbols of excessive wealth and more recently on famous monuments and, joining in an international campaign to mobilize students, on university buildings. 

Despite recurring police violence, penalties reaching from fees to yearslong prison sentences, and criminalization attempts in general the supporters of Letzte Generation plan to continue with their protest till the urgently required change – away from fossil fuels, towards an honest and socially balanced climate policy- is made.

Ultima Generazione, Italy

Ultima Generazione, Italy

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.

Ultima Generazione has been active in Italy since December 2021. Our main goal is to pressure the Italian government to take action for the ongoing social and economic crisis due to climate collapse, by first establishing a Restoration Fund to help the population cope with the loss caused by floods, drought and landslides, just to name a few. In the past 6 months we witnessed major extreme climate events that destroyed villages, crops, and farms. 

We do so by all nonviolent means possible. Despite that, we face huge repression: the government is passing bills directed at silencing our actions, while the media dismiss our demands. Yet, we know the only thing we can do is to keep raising our voice, mobilise people and gather in the streets to withdraw our consensus from an irresponsible government and ruling elite. 

We demand the government to take its responsibility to provide and care for its population, as we do when we undergo trials for our actions. We will not stop until our demands are met.


Neueste Entwicklungen aus dem gesamten Netzwerk

  • Opens in a new pageNewsletter November 2024

    Have you ever heard about the repression backfire effect? That is when harsh state repression for protest creates attention and sympathy for the repressed and criticism for the actions taken by the state. It can play a crucial role in achieving a political goal. 

    Repression can take many forms: police raiding houses, high fines, holding people on remand, long prison sentences, being illegally stripped naked in police custody, politicians slandering people for legitimate and peaceful protest, lawsuits worth millions or simply violence and aggression by police. 

    Many of our projects have experienced different forms of repression as it is the most effective tool used by those in power to crack down on protest. And although it is a key element of peaceful civil disobedience, repression is scary. Therefore, this christmas, we’ll ensure that the resistance can grow and endure the repression. Donate now to our Christmas fundraising campaign!

    Donate now for our Christmas fundraiser!

    People from Letzte Generation Germany have experienced some of the harshest repression. Along with many others, Regi was woken up by police at 6 a.m., had their room raided and searched. Regi was put into a prison cell more than 25 times and held on remand for eleven days. “This scares me”, they say. “Repression is made to break us. It is hard to admit that the house raid made me unable to fall asleep for several months. It is hard to admit that repression does exactly what it is supposed to do”. 

    However, repression is also a sign that the protest is effective - there is no point in repressing people who are irrelevant in the first place. In Germany, people carry the weight of repression together. Regi had a whole care team after the house raid, cooking and reminding them to brush their teeth. For every person going on trial, there are several people coming along to bring snacks, hugs and advice. Carrying the consequences together is “I feel like the biggest superpower we have”, adds Regi. 

    However, sometimes repression will also take ridiculous forms. The state attorney's office in Munich was spying on people’s phones to find out more about the leaders of Letzte Generation. Interestingly, this information could be easily found by a simple google search. So people put up posters at the state attorney's office with screenshots on how to perform this google search. Lars explained that they would happily help the authorities in this matter so they will have more time to investigate the real criminals: oil bosses and politicians who break the law. Check out the funny video of the action, English subtitles are available.

    In Sweden, we did what our government won’t: We reduced carbon emissions, and put human life and nature before profit. People started to restore wetlands themselves, using only shovels and sheer will. This week's trial is the biggest trial so far in sweden. But this kind of repression exposes how deeply ingrained the fossil industry is into our societies that it’s shaped even our legal systems - not only in Sweden. Fossil industries are protected over nature, biodiversity and human life itself. 

    No matter how this trial and upcoming ones are ending: It’s a win for us. Either we will all be acquitted for trying to act on the climate catastrophe, or peaceful people digging with shovels are sent to prison, which will most likely lead to a lot of heated debates. 

    Oh! Have you already seen the video of us Återstall Vatmarker spraying Malmo airport in blood red paint on November 20th? We’ve had enough. We cannot continue to be obedient in a system that leads to collapse. People need to wake up! That's why we welcome everyone in Sweden with civil courage to shut down airports with us this Easter.

    In Italy, our campaign Ultima Generazione has experienced some of the harshest penalty increases. The economic consequences are among the highest in Europe. A law has been approved that punishes actions on monuments with fines of up to €60,000. We happened to receive a fine of €20,000 each for having attached sheets of paper to the protective glass of Botticelli's Venus in Florence with scotch tape

    It's hard to say whether the repression helped or hindered us. On the one hand, in the weeks in which people were arrested some people got scared. On the other hand, the court hearings and similar events allow us to mobilize many people.

    Giacomo (in the photo) is 33 and after taking part in a civil disobedience protest, their punishment included a ban on leaving their city and the obligations to stay home at night. “Fortunately, the judge recognized that I was not a dangerous person. For me it was an absurd situation, I struggled to believe it,” they say. “In the past I studied law and worked as a legal consultant, so being subjected to these accusations seems unjustifiable in a democratic state. I have always acted nonviolently, while it happened that the police were violent against me”

    Recently, a new Italian law is being discussed which punishes roadblocks and other forms of resistance with prison sentences. The governments worldwide, and also the Italian one, are very busy criminalizing our protests. Instead, they could simply start to fight climate collapse: We would not protest anymore and they could save their time they are wasting now by criminalizing us.

    The repression in Denmark for Nødbremsen is lower. After a roadblock, people are dragged to the sidewalk by the police and receive fines. And since we don’t leave on our own, it can happen that police are arresting us for sitting on a sidewalk. This is clearly illegal according to Danish law, because it is a blatant breach of the freedom of assembly. Police will also use pain grips to get us off the streets - people who just sit there peacefully. 

    In what world does it makes sense to construct 15 new highways in the midst of climate collapse? In none, and the Danish government is completely delusional, thinking that that could be the right thing to do. We are prepared to continue our protests against this government regardless of increased repressions in the future.

    There are trials coming up, where we challenge our fines and the arrests made on the sidewalk. We look forward to presenting our case: We've acted in solidarity and empathy with both Danish and Global citizens, to protect our fundamental rights to liberty, safety and a livable planet - all of which are being actively attacked by our politicians' continued escalation of the climate collapse. 

    Remand for two weeks and then being released with electronic monitoring until trial starts is a reality in Aotearoa (New Zealand), if people support peaceful protest  of Climate Liberation Aotearoa. Plus, police have started using smart repression - repression that is harmful, but invisible to the public. They give out formal warnings, which go onto our permanent records without the opportunity for a trial.

    Our massive anti heli tours banner was seen from a total of 49 helicopters in not even 5 hours on that day - in the midst of the climate catastrophe. When cruise ships arrive in ports, we often unwelcome them with megaphones, flyers and slow walks in front of their buses. We make it impossible for passengers to be ignorant of the climate costs of their luxury holiday.

    People are scared of repression. They are afraid to put their future opportunities at risk and go through the criminal justice system, which may pose harsh consequences. For Annabel, the repression of their actions is what drew them to the group: “I have had enough of legal protests which were simply ignored and dismissed as soon as they were over. Seeing people be arrested for causing disruption to the processes that is killing our planet gave me new hope. When the system is screwed, you must work from outside it in order to make change.

    Anne Klenge received her court hearing just recently. A year ago she sprayed the Monolitten in Oslo. “It felt like a weird gift to move around freely and I couldn't think straight. From the beginning on I had immense support from family and friends. So in the end, I left the courtroom feeling more impactful than I ever did. It’s not over yet and I believe there is a lot to win on the way,”

    Repression on climate activism in Norway often takes the shape of high fines or compensation. Esther Hjerrild and Fridtjof Klareng from Stopp Oiljetinga (the earlier campaign before Folk mot fossilmakta) faced a 2,4 Million NOK (€ 205,000) compensation claim. Another paint action, where we even cleaned up after ourselves, resulted in € 1200 and a full 18 days of prison

    Our community in Norway built up an organization called Beskytt Demokratiet (protect democracy). Similarly to Rückendeckung für eine aktive Zivilgesellschaft in Germany, it seeks to support people who face repression with legal, financial and emotional aid. The goal is to have people’s back after they were brave enough to take action against fossil destruction

    The treatment of nonviolent protests, specifically Just Stop Oil supporters, has been some of the most extreme experienced by any A22 Network member project, labelled as "increasingly severe crackdowns" by the UN's Special Rapporteur on Environmental Defenders, Michael Forst. Nothing motivates people more to resist the state and a broken political system than having a friend or a loved one in prison. Unfortunately, the general media coverage of the repression hasn't been very strong. This infringes on the democratic rights of everyone in this country and should be covered. We should all be absolutely outraged.

    32 supporters of Just Stop OIl have been imprisoned this year and there are 21 who still remain inside. Their names are Larch Maxey, Christopher Bennet, Samuel Johnson, Daniel Knorr, Noah Crane, Ella Ward, Margaret Reid, Indigo Rumbelow, George Simonson, Phoebe Plummer, Anna Holland, Cressie Gethin, Roger Hallam, Lou Lancaster, Daniel Shaw, Lucia Whittaker De Abreu, Rosa Hicks, Rory Wilson, Adam Beard, Luke Watson, and Luke Elson.

    This message is straight out of prison. Sam is currently remanded to Wandsworth “because I walked slowly in the road with about 40 others. We were there for a maximum of 20 minutes. I will be in here at least until my court date. It’s clear that the authorities still believe we can arrest our way out of the climate crisis without actually taking any positive action to address the underlying issue. I am here because I acted out of love and fear. Love for everything I hold dear, and fear for what we will lose. Stand up. Be counted. Love, Sam”.

    We, the people of the A22 Network stepped in and took the responsibility that our leaders still refuse to take. We bear the consequences of our actions. Many of us are in prison, face trial or extremely high fines. We can only resist together.

    This Christmas, you can make a difference. Instead of buying gifts for people who do not need anything new, we encourage you to support our Christmas fundraiser. To sustain and amplify our resistance in 2025, we aim to raise €40,000. Your support is not just a donation, it's a declaration of our shared moral responsibility to change the system. Together, we will uphold democratic values and nurture a future where freedom and love can grow.

    We are a growing international network ​racing to save everything we love by using effective, nonviolent civil resistance across our 10 countries. 

    This newsletter gives an update on our work of November 2024 and summarises the repression people face for taking part in necessary peaceful civil resistance.

    ​Support us. Join us. You are ​needed.

  • Opens in a new pageNewsletter October 2024

    Have you had a nice spooky season this october? As frightening skeletons and horror clowns surely are, they could never be as scary as the fossil fuel industry. What gives us the creeps is how oil and gas are still being drilled for fossil profits while our livelihoods are being destroyed

    Does this give you the creeps as well? If so, support the resistance and we’ll do our best to scare the shit out of fossil fuel executives


    We are starting high up in Canada: On October 22, two Last Generation Canada supporters climbed Montreal's Jacques Cartier Bridge, halting traffic for 7 hours to demand a National Emergency Management Agency and support for the Fossil Fuel Treaty. Olivier Huard and Jacob Pirro, along with police liaison Michèle Lavoie, were arrested. 

    Unlike a similar action in 2019, all three have faced harsh repression and denied bail. Michèle was later released with severe restrictions, while Olivier and Jacob remain jailed under harsh conditions, with Olivier beginning a hunger strike on October 26 to demand his release. Jacob and Olivier have become political prisoners for telling the truth."Why must a young man give up his future, or another starve himself, just to be heard?” asks Olivier,47.”We know our government is incapable of saving us. That’s why we must stand up and take action alongside people like Jacob and Olivier”, says their colleague Gill.


    In Poland, we launched local groups across five major Polish cities, mobilizing a record number of new supporters. One in six of our current contacts joined in just the last month.

    We also announced a blockade of Wisłostrada in Warsaw, set to begin on November 25th. Recent court rulings recognized our street blockades as civil disobedience, hinting that future generations may view our actions as heroic. 

    However, prosecutors are seeking up to 8 years in prison for activists who dyed the Warsaw mermaid statue, citing damages of 360,000 PLN. Interestingly, the color was made from food dye and cornstarch. Just imagine if the prosecutors were this angry with fossil fuel executives instead of peaceful protesters?


    Last month, Phoebe Plummer and Anna Holland received sentences of two years and 20 months for throwing soup at Van Gogh's Sunflowers—an action repeated shortly afterward on two paintings in the same series. In court, Just Stop Oil supporters challenged Shell’s anti-protest injunctions, which aim to suppress nonviolent resistance with government support. On November 2nd, we joined the Umbrella coalition as the "POLITICS IS BROKEN BLOC" (including Youth Demand, Assemble, and other groups) in a National Demonstration for Palestine, calling for systemic change. Meanwhile, 24 Just Stop Oil supporters remain in UK prisons.


    In Denmark, we organized three more road blockades and disrupted the opening of the Danish parliament to demand urgent climate action. While our politicians have been enjoying leisurely holidays, the climate collapse has been escalating at an alarming rate.

    And they still push projects like 15 new highways. We, the people, protest for a safe and fair future. Despite risks, including two participants being driven into during a protest, we continue our peaceful resistance. We stand in solidarity with campaigners worldwide facing severe repercussions, and we’ll keep pulling the Emergency Brake to protect lives and freedoms.“Accepting that anxiety and anger are part of our journey as climate protestors has softened my feelings, letting me finish this imperfect piece with a bit more peace”, says William who is taking part in the danish project.


    For three weeks, hundreds of us gathered in Kassel, Germany, uniting in protest and community. Our focus: Kassel-Calden Airport, a local project costing millions in taxpayer money yet serving only a few flights. We turned it into a symbol of wasteful spending that harms our future. Our efforts gained traction, even prompting the Kassels’s Mayor to visit and discuss the issue publicly.

    The major said: “‘The dogma of not being allowed to question the ongoing subsidisation of holiday flight operations is damaging the reputation of the entire business location, because anyone from the outside can clearly see the situation. People have been watching the airport and those who reflexively attest to its great future prospects with a certain amount of amusement for years now.”

    Our protests sparked significant media attention and debate around the airport’s viability. One day we made a protest inside the airport building, even google noticing it, since it said that Kassel airport has more visitors ‘than usual’.


    When the daunting darkness of fall is over us, some uplifting retrospection from Sweden might be in place. In April, we demanded protection for local wetlands and succeeded. So, we are moving next to ban peat mining—a destructive practice largely driven by Neova, a Finnish state-owned company. 

    In May, we blocked ditches meant to drain the Grimsås peat bog, delaying Neova’s mining plans by nearly a year. This summer, we returned, building a community-led nature reserve with 2 km of pathways, benches, and a bird-watching tower. If the state won’t protect our livelihoods, we need to do it ourselves! Our “Most Disobedient Nature Reserve” now protects the habitats of over 2,000 endangered species.
    Come and visit the reserve if you’re ever around and don’t forget to pay us a visit as well!


    Lastly, we’ll update you from the norwegian campaign: This October, we gathered 20 community members from across Norway to prepare for our goal: mobilizing 50 dedicated people for three weeks of sustained action in spring 2025

    We started with a two-day nonviolence training at a farm near Oslo, fostering trust and unity through shared experiences. Then, at a three-day strategy camp, we defined our core values—responsibility, courage, and community care—and developed a clear, sustainable plan to achieve our aims. 

    We left with renewed purpose, ready to grow our community of love and resistance and to challenge policymakers in the spring. We’ll keep them up and running - will you, too? Donate & support us now!

  • Opens in a new pageNewsletter September 2024

    Dear supporter!

    It has been quiet around our newsletter for a few weeks, but we’ve been busy with unignorable protests. Today we’ll give you an update on what was going on during this resistance-summer. Can you imagine, we did what governments failed to accomplish for decades: An international coordinated, determined and serious action across several countries. But we’ll get to that later!

    ​Support us. Join us. You are ​needed.


    We’re starting off with the news in Sweden and Finland: On Wednesday, 25.09., we joined forces with Elokapina (XR Finland) and sprayed the Finnish Parliament with blood red paint. With this protest, we demand an end to peat mining and fossil subsidies.

    We created many heated discussions in Finland and the whole of Europe on whether this action is appropriate to shed light on the fact that the Finnish government owned company Neova mines peat in Sweden like never before, causing more emissions than all of Sweden’s domestic flights.

    The action garnered support from Terike Haapoja, the grandchild of the designer of the House of Parliament, J.S. Siren. She defended us on her private social media account: She says we have "a great sense of aesthetics and the ability to draw an artistic parallel between the bourgeois power represented by the building and the life-destroying politics practiced by the Finnish state."


    Bold, unignorable international action on climate collapse - that is the #oilkills campaign with Stay Grounded and we started on July 24th: We took action with 500 people of 19 groups in over 13 countries. With this campaign, we demand from governments to sign a fossil fuel nonproliferation treaty

    In Germany, people glued themselves to runways of several airports such as Munich, Leipzig or Cologne. In Austria, we spilled orange paint in one of the terminal halls at the Vienna Airport. 50 supporters of Students Against EACOP in Uganda  were arrested and faced violent repression and horrific conditions in custody.

    In the UK, the sole news of future action was enough for police intervention. Just Stop Oil experienced some of the most extreme repression with 15 supporters remanded to prison over the course of the campaign and 14 remaining inside to this day.


    We’ve also sparked the public debate in Denmark and increased pressure on the government due to their  inadequate reaction to the climate crisis.

    With nine highway blockages, we protested the construction of new highways - which is a completely insane idea in the midst of an escalating climate catastrophe. Clotide attempted to extinguish the bonfire to commemorate Saint John's Eve, the national Midsummer festival in Denmark. Here’s what she says:  

    “I find it astounding that the Danish government continues to approve extremely climate destructive projects such as our 15 new highways, when we already see mass hunger, conflict and migration driven by heatwaves, forest fires, floods and droughts all across the world. When our elected officials with open eyes continue to pour gasoline on the bonfire that is the climate collapse, we all have a duty to stand up and resist.”


    In July, we started a new campaign in Norway! Our name translates to “the people against fossil power” and three of our brave supporters have participated in our first protest on the runway of Oslo’s airport, bringing air traffic to a halt with the international #oilkills campaign. We are now working on our second demand and are preparing our next protest phase that is coming up in october.  We want to spotlight Norway's oil-fund, where the money from the oil and gas industry is collected, and which has a market value of more than 18000 billion NOK (thats more than 1,7 trillion USD). The people are the owners of the fund, and we will not have our pensions invested in the weapons of mass destruction that are wielded against our future.

    The Norwegian oil and gas industry  has so much power in our society that they control the entire narrative in the debate around climate- and oil policies and sponsor everything. They are able to sell the story of Norwegian oil and gas as “green and democratic” to such an extent that the majority of people believe it, and being in opposition to this story can feel incredibly alienating. We are here to turn the narrative and speak the truth!


    In the UK, we’ve won! Five years ago, this was unimaginable, in July this year it became reality: The new government declared that they will stop licensing all new oil and gas projects. We know it's not the time to stop. We need an end to ALL fossil fuels by 2030 - and that's why we are  calling with #oilkills for the UK government to sign a Fossil Fuel Nonproliferation Treaty

    At the moment, 25 Just Stop Oil supporters are imprisoned for taking nonviolent action in the face of climate collapse. The irony?  UK prisons face an overcrowding crisis. People taking nonviolent direct action in defense of life are increasingly being smeared and treated as organized criminals. While perpetrators of violence are being released early from prisons, nonviolent supporters of our campaign remain in cells: Phoebe and Anna have been sentenced to 2 years and 20 months respectively for throwing soup over the glass frame of Van Gogh’s ‘Sunflowers’.

    That is why we are coming together with sister campaigns Assemble, Youth Demand, and Robin Hood for the Umbrella March on Saturday 2nd November. We will march on Parliament to tell Labour they can #BinTheBudget. Then we’ll decide what should be done with a properly democratic Assembly, and throw a party to seal the deal.


    You might have heard the news from our Austrian campaign - we stopped our protests. Before that, we put up pools in front of the Austrian parliament in July - because the water is up to our necks - and it was incredible hot in Vienna, with several days up to 35°C, so a pool is all what you can wish for if the Austrian government is not taking action to tackle the climate catastrophe.

    After us joining the #oilkills campaign and also protesting for two days at Vienna airport, we announced the end of Letzte Generation Austria in August. However, the resistance will continue. We will be back, in one form or another. We’ll  keep you posted! 


    In Poland we started the August action phase with a bang. On the 28th, around 2pm, Ola and Andrzej used fire extinguishers to spray the glass facade at the main entrance of a very famous shopping center. A nearly record number of new people registered for our online open meeting, intrigued by the entire action. Read what Ola has to say about it:

    “I was extremely scared about the action and worried about the legal consequences, but what terrifies me even more, and still does, is the vision of the world in a few decades: A world where wars over resources are constantly being fought, where people have to leave their homes in large numbers just to survive. The whole event was a really tough experience for me—I felt drained and exhausted. But I believe the action was valuable, and that I contributed, even in a small way, to reducing the worst impacts of the climate crisis.”

    With the first days of school in September, we started the next protest phase and asked: "What will we tell our children?". We also published a letter from supporting parents of Ostatnie Pokolenie to other parents. Among the new supporters of our campaign was the well-known journalist Ewa Siedlecka, who joined us in the streets in an orange vest. "I am here because you are a generation that has been deceived by politicians. Your demands are the absolute minimum needed for this planet to survive."


    In Germany, we’re in the midst of an action phase in Kassel. Here, the state subsidizes every flight ticket from the local Kassel-Calden airport with 130€ - money we need elsewhere: in childcare, our health system or renewable energy sources. We demand a social just transformation with no more state money for a bankrupt airport. On Saturday, several hundred people joined us on the street with 80 arrested and overstretched police.  

    We’ve also been involved in the international #oilkills campaign. Many of our supporters have taken action by going onto runways of airports, bringing air traffic to a halt for several hours. We shed light on the destruction of the airport industry by continuing our protests for several weeks. Our supporters are facing criminal charges as well as civil lawsuits worth millions, however, we believe taking action and joining the resistance is the only right thing to do at this exact moment. 


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